Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Transfer Complete

Hi ladies,
 My babes and I headed out to Little Rock early yesteerday for our transfer. We actually went shopping before my appt since we had time to kill. Then after shopping we headed to the clinic and got checked in. Then we were taken back to the procedure room were we waited for my awesome doctor. He did have issues with getting the catheter in for the transfer and then I asked him aboout my right ovary bleeding last week after the retrival and he said that it bled more than he liked. My beta is scheduled for March 12th and that seems like forever away. When they call today I am gonna see if I can do it next week. Today we are PUPO.
I got the phone call today that only one embryo made it to freese stage. Also they have changed my Beta to next Thursday!

Here are pictures of our beautiful babies:

Monday, February 25, 2013

~Transfer time and Fert Update~

Hi Friends,
 Yesterday I got another fert update twice from the clinic. The first time was as we were walking in to church and then the 2nd time was from Dr. Miller and the news was amazing and they are doing fabulous.
4~ excellent, 2~excellent/good, and 6~ good blasts.

I got a phone call from my Rock star Nurse Patsy just a few hours ago and tomarrow at 11:30 or so we will be PUPO. We are so excited. We also have asked for out regular RE to do it and I am hoping that he does. We are transferring 2 excellent embies.
  I think my beta will be around the 7th which is next week.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

~Fert report~

Hi friends.
  This morning I got a fert report from our doctor and it was the news that we were hoping for. I have 5 excellent blasts, 4 very good embryo's and 3 good embryo's. We are putting 2 excellent embryo's back in to me on Tuesday so that means we get to do the 5 day transfer that we were hoping for. Doing a 3 day transfer would just be a little risky right now with how I am feeling. I will get the next report on Monday along with a check in time for our transfer.

I am doing okay, I am still very sore. The doctor did say to take it easy still. I went from 11:30 last night to 5:30 this morning with out taking anything. Today I went with DH to get groceries and by the time we got home I was exhausted and not a happy camper. I think tomarrow for church I will be wearing my maternity pants as I am still hugely bloated.

Hope everyone has a fantastic evening/.

Friday, February 22, 2013

~FERT Report and update~

Hi friends,
 so this morning was not a good morning I was still in quite a bit pain and then my bladder decided to not work so I had to call the nurse and get an appt before we left LR. I saw the doc that did my ER yesterday and he had to cath me since I hadn't gone to the restroom since yesterday. He did give me instructions that if I couldn't go by the time we got home then I was to go in to the ER and get a foley cath done for a few days. I am blessed that when we got home I was able to go. My ovaries have stopped bleeding but they are still big. I am still in some pain.

But here in my fert report. They got 14 eggs yesterday and 10 of them fertilized with ICSI. The doc is really pushing for a 5 day transfer due to what my body is going thru.

Tonight I am just relaxing and thinking about going to bed early. Hope that everyone has a fantastic evening.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

~ER Update~

Hi friends,
    So I am writing this update from the comfort of our hotel room. My retrival was suppose to start at 10 ish and it didn't start til 10:30. The anethesiologist was running late due to weather. When he got their it was only a few moment's til they started. I remember Dr. Miller came in and washed and preped my cervix and everything. I think my ER was about 40 minutes long. But while they were doing my ER my ovaries started bleeding which the doc said is normal. They got 14 eggs, last time they got 19 eggs. They also maxed me out on IV pain meds and IV anti- nausea meds. My surgery was at 10:30ish and we didn't leave their til 1ish. They kept me longer due to the pain and to watch my ovaries. They also gave me the big pain meds. I took one a few hours ago and just took my doxycycline and then in about an hour or so I will take my prednisone. If all the roads are clear we get to go home tomarrow. I will get a fertilization report tomarrow from either our rock star Lauren or Patsy.
Hope everyone has a fabulous night.

~ER today~

Hi friends,
 So today is the big day. I can't believe in about 3 hours is my ER. I am happy that we stayed in a hotel close to the clinic. The small town that we live in is all closed due to the ice storm. But my babes and I came totally prepared just in case we stay in this hotel room tonight. We even remembered my heating pad for tonight. I also have requested our regular RE to do my ER and so I am hoping and praying he does. While I am an old pro at surgery I still get nervous, emotional and scared. Plus my veins are shot from getting blood work done all week.
Please say a quick prayer for us, for our medical team this morning.

I will try and get an update out after my ER depending on how I am feeling and if we head home.

Hope everyone has a fabulous day :)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

~today is trigger time~

Hi friends,
 I just received the call from my rockstar nurse Lauren that my follies are looking amazing and that it is trigger time. Tonight at 10:30pm I will do my final injection. My E2 is 2,213 which is the highest it has ever been. My belly is super bloated and I am excited to get these follies out. I will start Doxy tomarrow morning. Also, since we live 3 hours away and since we are suppose to get some icky weather DH and I are staying in a hotel close to the clinic tomarrow night. My check in time on Thursday is at 9am. I will try and get an update out on Thursday sometime but it all depends on how I am feeling.

Hope everyone has a fabulous night!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Monitoring appt

Hi friends,
 I went today for what was suppose to be my final appt but unfortunately it was not. My estrogen decided it had other plans and went up to 1,852.2. I am on 5 vials of Bravelle and 1 vial of Menopur. I will have my final monitoring appt tomarrow. I also have 19 follies and they are getting bigger. My appt is at 10:30 tomarrow so that is nice that I won't have to leave until 6:45. I am making the 3 hour trip by myself and so excited. I can't belive tonight will be my final big shots for this cycle.
I am already in my jammies and hanging out with my awesome hubby. Hope that everyone has a great evening. I am doing laundry.

I will post an update after I get home tomarrow.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Monitoring appt update

Hi Friends,
 This morning my momma and I left for LR way early. We pulled out of my driveway at 5:20. We stopped and got breakfast and hit the road. Their was no traffic which was awesome. We got to the clinic at around 8:45 and didn't leave their til almost 11:00. I have 17 follies and then my estrogen is starting to slowly go down which Dr. Batres didn't like. It was 1,003.9 yesterday and today it is 1,239.5....... To me that's now going down but going up but very slowly. Dr. Batres did say that he is 60% sure my ER will be Wednesday. If all goes well tomarrow I will get the time to trigger and we will be set for our ER. It's crazy to think that the last few weeks have flown by. I am also asking my favorite doc in the clinic who happens to be our regular doc if he will do my ER. My lab tech today said that most likely he will and that makes me happy. If not then I will stick with the on call. I go back for what is my last monitoring appt this cycle tommarrow at 8am for lab and ultrasound. For tonight my momma and I are settled in to our hotel room. Hope everyone has a fantastic night!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Monitoring appt

Hi friends,
 This morning my awesome hubby and I left early for my monitoring appt. The clinic was running on time which was nice. We got in and out in about 15 minutes. The on-call said that my follies are looking beautiful and I have "20" of them. No wonder I am so bloated. I also got to request that our regular RE do my ER if he isn't to busy. So after my appt my babe and I went and did a bit of shopping and then ate some lunch and headed home. We got about halfway when I got the phone call from the on-call. On weekends the on-call doc's return phone calls. My E2 is 1003.9. He gave me two options continue to come to the clinic everyother day with my next return day of Monday or come back tomarrow and Monday due to my estrogen plunting like it did last cycle. I was like if I were your daughter what would you recommend and he said come back daily and so that is what I chose to do. He also said they are watching my estrogen like a hawk. So my momma is heading to the clinic with me tomarrow and also we are staying over night. It will be a much needed get away with my momma.

Also, if you could keep a friend of our's in your prayers. This gentleman is one of our county's finest deputies and had a massive brain bleed yesterday and is in ICU and the situation doesn't sound good. This guy was the DJ for our wedding and he is super nice. His name is Tim Phillips.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Estrogen update

Hi friends,
 I headed to our amazing RE's office this morning and they were running on time which was awesome. I have 19 follies and feeling the bloat. I told our RE and nurses that "30" is going to be my lucky year. In less than 24 hours I turn "30". I got my blood drawn and then had lunch with my momma who made the drive with me to LR and then went and bought a CD. That I love already. We were heading home when my rock star nurse Lauren called and she had some amazing news. My E2 is 448 and my progestrone is very low. I also asked when she thinks a possible retrival date will be and she said probably either next Wednesday or Thursday. I can't believe our ER is a week away. I go back Saturday for another monitoring appt and blood work. The on call thinks he might raise meds and so I am gonna order a few more boxes of my main med tomarrow to make sure I have enough to get me thru.

Also since tomarrow is my b-day I am thinking of going to get a gel manicure done and then we are going to dinner with my best friend Donna and her amazing hubby Randy. I am so excited to have a nice night out.

I won't update til Saturday afternoon after we get results from my blood work. Hope that everyone has a fabulous night with your valentine. Here is a picture of me and my amazing hubby from our wedding. He is truly my valentine and my rock thru this whole process. I love you babe!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Estrogen level

Hi Friends.
 Today I spent majority of the day in LR to get my estrogen level drawn and then I went grocery shopping at Jacksonville, AFB with my dad. I got a lot of healthy foods. On the way home my rock star nurse Lauren called and said my estrogen level is 182.5 and that I am to do 4 vials of Bravelle and 75 units of Menopur still. I have my next appt which will be an ultrasound and blood work on Thursday. My favorite doc is on call for the next two weeks and so that makes me happy.

I am thinking that if my E2 level looks good this Thursday that I might be triggering by Sunday with a possibly retrival date of next week. Crazy to think how time flies. This weekend we are going to try and celebrate my "30" b-day which is Friday.

On the down side, last night my babes and I went to a visitation for his aunt Donna. While I never got to know aunt Donna it was great to be surrounded by family but also awkward as this was my first time meeting her kids. Today was aunt Donna's funeral and neither my babes or I got to attend just due to his work schedule and me being in LR. Tonight I am praying for my cousins.

Hope everyone has a fabulous night!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

stims and friends

Hi friends,
 Well night 2 of stims is done. I am doing 4 vials of Bravelle a night and then 1 vial of Menopur a night and the combination means a lot of vials of meds. Here is a picture of the shot before I did it tonight. Last night was a trial to draw up the meds but today it was so much easier. My next trip to LR will be Tuesday just for blood work.
Also my best friend Donna is out of town and this weekend would have been perfect for going hiking and since she is one of the mostly Godly women I know and beautiful beyond words. She is truly an angel and super positive when the road with IF get's tough. I know that she will be making a trip to LR with me this week when she get's back in town. It's only been a week since I saw her but I miss her.
I love you Donna!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Letter to my babies

Hi friends,
 I have been meaning to write this letter on here that I wrote to my beautiful babies the week after the miscarriage. While we are starting stims for round 2 tomarrow. I thought I would share with you all. We had transfered 2 embryo's in to me and so we call them our twins.

Dear babies,
 While we know that you both are in a better place right now Mommy and Daddy are struggling to survive. You beautiful angels changed our lives. We are forever blessed that we got to have 5 weeks and 2 days with you both. Mommy was so excited that she was expecting and daddy was so excited to teach you both how to fish and hunt. I remember saying to our embryologist the morning that he put both of you back in to me that you were both beautiful. I still look at your picture to this day and it makes me tear up. Mommy and Daddy are happy that you are able to play in Heaven with your great grandparent's, cousins, aunt's and uncle's and Mommy and Daddy's friends that have lost their babies. We know that you are making us stronger. We also know that one day that you will have a brother and sister and mommy and daddy will tell them all about you both. Please watch over mommy and daddy as we continue this journey to become parent's. Please know that mommy and daddy will never forget the memories you have already borught us. Also you both left a last impression on mommy and daddy. We will forever be greatful for the 5 weeks and 2 days we got to spend with our beautiful babies. We love you forever and always, Mommy and Daddy.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

baseline appt

Hi friends,
 I had my baseline appt this morning in LR. I wasn't sure who the on call was but then he walked in. My appt went great. I am not to keen on the doctor I had today due to when I was pregnant he kept telling me the bleeding was normal and that he didn't tell our regular RE what was going on. But I kept my mouth shut. He also asked me to come to his office and so I did and he put everything he told me in my chart today. I did see my regular RE in the hallway and we got to chat for a few minutes and that was nice. He goes back on call next week, so that makes me happy. Dr. Dean will most likely be doing my ER and hopefully my ET.

My estrogen was .5 and they want it under 100 so that is good that it is super low. I have been on Lupron a week tommarrow and then Saturday the big party get's started with doing stims.

My next trip to LR won't be until Tuesday and that will just be for blood work.

Right now I am reading a Love Language Minute Devotional by Gary Chapman. The Bible Verse last night really spoke to my heart. Here it is :) We know what real Love really is because Jesus gave up his life for  us, So we also ought to give up our lives for our brothers and sisters 1 John 3:16

Hope that every one has a fabulous night!