Saturday, February 8, 2014

update on the boys :)

I can't believe our boys are 5 months old already that means that they are almost 3 months adjusted. Life has been crazy busy.

Joe weighs in at 11 lbs 15.5 ounces, he loves tummy time and standing. He loves being played with and he can roll from his tummy to his back :)

Jacob weighs in at 10 lbs 5 ounces, he is a mommy's boy big time. The main news is Jacob had major surgery this past week at Arkansas Children's Hospital. He had a bi lateral hernia, a bi lateral hydrocele and they got 3 oz of fluid off both side and then he got circumcized. Jacob had a very hard time coming off the ET tube to the point were they were thinking about keeping his intubated. At one point they send pastoral care out to talk to Bob and I. That is the most scared I have ever been in my life when they sent him out.

The boys are growing like weeds. They keep me plenty busy.

Here is our typical schedule:
8 am, bottle's (Jacob get's caffeine in his)
mommy has her cup of coffee
11:00 am bottle's, and nap time
mommy usually tries to make phone call's during this time
3:00pm bottles and tummy time
mommy takes a nap
8:00 pm bottle's and cuddle time (Jacob takes his evening meds)
9:00 pm bed time