Friday, January 18, 2013

IVF #2

Hi Friends,
 This week has been great. Wednesday I got to spend the day with my hubby. Thursday I got to spend the day with my best friend  Donna and it was some much needed time and then I got to talk on the phone to my amazing and beautiful cycle buddy Rachel. I love you Rach and then today my meds for IVF #2 came in. Also my IVF schedule came in and here are some prominent dates.

January 31st~ I start Lupron
February 3rd~ last BC pill
February 9th~I start Bravelle and Menopur along with staying on Lupron
The week of February 17-23 is my ER week.

Of course before I start stims I need to make sure that my system is supressed. I can't believe that today we are a month away from Retrival.

Here is a pic of my overwhelming meds:

Hope that everyone has a fabulous night :)

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy reading your blog and nominated you for a Liebster award :)
