Saturday, April 12, 2014

~7 month update~

Wow, were does time fly Jacob and Joe hit 7 month old on March 31st

Jacob~ weighs in at 13 lbs 9 oz. He has been my trouble maker that past few weeks. 2 weeks ago we saw his urologist who we love and while we were in triage he was running a fever of 100.5 while it's not that concerning to his medical team this momma is always concerned when it comes to Jacob. I called his ped's office and they said to just watch him and so I did and by Tuesday his fever was 101.6 and so I took him in to get checked out and he diagnosed him with bronchilotis and so he gave him antibiotics and steroids. He was a sick little guy. By Thursday the whole family was sick and I had been talking to his pulmonolgist who I love also and so she told me to take him in on Friday and so I did and he was immediately admitted. They tested for RSV and that came back negative and by Saturday things weren't going well and so I requested Jacob be transferred to ACH by ambulance and so he was. It turns out my little fighter who is stronger beyond words had the flu and was so dehydrated. I am so thankful to some amazing friends that gave me strength, encouragement and lent me an ear to vent to while making the decisions for Jacob. Jacob rolled over for the first time yesterday. He is also still on the apnea monitor and will be most likely til June or July.

Joe~ weighs in at about 16 lbs. He loves to be played with and is sitting up by him self and is rolling all over the place. He is also sleeping thru the night. It's nice for him to be off his apnea monitor. He is also holding his own bottle. He loves playing in the bath and loves to splish and splash. 

Bob and I~ are doing well and keeping busy. If all goes well we plan to start IVF # 3 in October or November. We are taking the month of June off from Little Rock trips as we will be plenty busy with our families coming in. The boys will have their big baptism ceremony while our families are here. 

May will be a busy month, as we have birthday's, memorial day with the Davidson's, at least 1 big little rock trip for both boys at ACH, doing my consult for IVF #3, visiting all the aunties in the NICU at Baptist. 

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