Tuesday, August 5, 2014

12 months and updates

As I sit here on this beautiful August night, Jacob is sound asleep in his crib and Joe is sitting beside me drinking his bed time bottle, my rock star hubby is doing some work stuff and watching the St. Louis Cardinal game. I am sitting here also glancing at the Cardinal game and just thinking about how the last year has changed our lives. Our handsome boys in just a few short weeks will be "1" how can that evenly be possibly. Our lives keep us constantly busy. It seems like no days are the same. We have made many trips to LR which has become our second home the last few weeks. We have "1" more trip their for August and then we are done til the 19th of September.

Lets get on the boys and how they are doing:

Joe is doing great, has 4 teeth, crawls everywere and is really pulling himself up on anything and everything. his favorite words are mama and dada. We have been sleep training him and he won't sleep in his crib only his pack and play in the guest bedroom. He is trying to stand un assisted. He has had 5 ear infections. Joe also will be getting speech therapy since he has mild dysphagia.

Jacob: is finally gaining weight. He keeps us plenty busy with many medical appt's. Jacob has had tonsilitis the last 2 weeks and was getting 1 weeks worth of rocphen shots. We did those as a procautionary thing since Jacob has a history of respiratory distress syndrome. He has been in his rock star helmet about 2 months now. He is starting to try and sit up and crawl. He get's PT, OT, Speech therapy since he has really bad dysphagia, and has a developmental therapist.

I still can't believe that almost a year ago I gave birth to our miracles. Bob and I are doing great. It seems like we never slow down. Please continue to say a prayer for all the kids in the NICU's all over as we know it isn't an easy journey and I would be lieing if I said it was easy because it is not. But we are so blessed.

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