Friday, November 23, 2012

2 years ago

Two years ago exactly on this day our lives changed forever. My fiance' at the time now my babe and I were on the way back from spending the evening with his brother and we were in a horrible accident their was a blind curve and then it went in to a ditch. We missed the blind curve and landed in the ditch. I blacked out for a few moment's and freaked out on my babe. I braced my self upon impact. I broke my humerous bone and it was no ordinar break it was a spiral fracture. The nurses called in the ortho surgeron and had talked to me about prepping me for surgery. Once ortho arrived he said that I didn't need surgery. They sent me home at 1am from being the ER all night. The next morning I was suppose to work and called my boss that morning and was threatened my job. I said "go ahead and fire me." She ended up not firing me. My shoulder healed but unfortunately I tore my beicep tendon off the bone and had a tore rotator cuff plus lots of bone spurs. For a year after the injury I would get steriod shots every 2 weeks. 1 year ago on November 16th, 2011 I had major shoulder surgery were they re-attached my beicep, fixed my rotator cuff and removed bone on bone plus bone spurs. It was a difficult Christmas last year. But I am thankful this black friday to have an amazing DH who has been my rock. 1 year ago I left my job that threatened to fire me and have been happy since. After I went back to work from being on medical leave they thru a big fit and I said fine if you guys aren't gonna give me the time off for major surgery their is my 2 week notice. I have only been in that place once and it was to see a good friend. Today I am so thankful for my ortho surgeron, and he apologized to me last year about not doing the surgery right away. This coming week will be my babe's first time undergoing surgery and so I am thankful for our ortho who did my shoulder. Hope everyone is having a great night!

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