Week 16: Avocado
Average size: 4.6 inches, 3.5 oz.
Eyebrows, lashes, and hair are filling in...
Eyebrows, lashes, and hair are filling in...
How far along are you? 16 weeks
Total weight gain? 5 pounds
Maternity Clothes? yep, that's all that fits
Stretch Marks? yep
Sleep? exhausted all the time
Best Moment of the week? I don't know this week has been pretty scary and emotional. On Friday evening I started cramping some and I waited til Tuesday to make an appt. My regular OB is on vacation this week and so I got in with another doc and he basically blew off the cramping. Fast forward to yesterday and the cramping only got worse. I decided to go in to the ER just to make sure everything was okay. I was having constant braxton hicks contractions, RLP, dehydration. I insisted on a US and cervix checked. They also did fluids and a steroid shot to see if that would help stop the contractions and sure enough it did. I see my regular OB on Monday and I am seeing if he can put in a request for a high risk OB.
Miss anything? Nope
Movement? a bit but not much
Food Cravings? nothing really
Anything making you queasy or sick? nope
Gender prediction? hopefully one of each
Labor signs? Nope, thought the cramps were pre-term labor but thankfully they were not. Babies still need to cook a while.
Symptoms? braxton hicks contractions, RLP, dehydration, breast soreness, exhausted and emotional
Belly button in or out? getting shallower by the day
Wedding rings off or on? on
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy
Looking forward to? seeing my Regular OB
Next Appt? Monday :)