Monday, December 31, 2012

Beta 3 :-)

This morning my mom and I headed to LR for my beta appt. It was nice having a girls day with my mom. After my appt we went to got some lunch and decided to start heading back home. We ended up stopping in Conway and got some shopping done. While we were in kohl's my phone started going off and so I checked to see who it is. It was nurse Lauren from my RE's office. Lauren said that my beta is looking awesome and that I still need to continue with both of my progestrone suppostitories and that I can discontinue the estrogen patches. My HCG was 147. I go back on Friday for my 4th beta and my first ultrasound is next week. woohoo. I know for my appt next week I will have Dr. Dean and I am so excited to thank him. I am still bleeding some but not like I was before.

Tonight also happens to be the night 3 years ago that I met my amazing best friend. My hubby is my rock and I don't know if I could have been on this journey without him. Tonight brings back a flood of emotions from that night.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Beta 2 :-)

So my hubby and I headed to LR early this morning. Our RE's office didn't have power this morning but from what I was told by the RE this afternoon they have it now so that is good. My appt was just for blood draw. The tech called my name and so I went with her and while she was drawing blood the on call RE Dr Batres who I have talked to a few times this week came and talked to me and made sure everything is okay. I have had some bleeding since Wednesday evening and he just wanted to check on me.

Dr. Batres called me about 2 hours or so ago and after I got off the phone with him I cried tears of joy. I am so thankful to have an amazing medical team. Here is the best news of all. My hcg was 26 on Thursday and today it was 78.9, it more than doubled in 24 hours which is awesome. I am still on progestrone and estrogen supplements. I will continue on those til my next appt on Monday.

Monday was suppose to just be more blood work to make sure it continues to rise. When Dr. Batres called I mentioned the bleeding again and he did that he wants to do a pap to see why I am continueing to bleed. But as of right now we are pregnant. I am 4 weeks and 3 days along.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Beta 1

So on Christmas I got my first very faint positive home test but we were so excited to share the news with my parent's who had been constantly asking how I was feeling. Christmas morning I sent my older sister a text asking for suggestions on how to tell my parent's. My sister said to go and get a Christmas card from a grand child. My hubby didn't want to go and so I had a card that said a note from Rebecca. I put on the top that Mommy tested today and it was positive. Then on the inside I put I can't wait to meet you in early September...... Love your future grand child. My mom and I cried. So Tuesday night as I was getting ready for bed since we had to leave for the clinic early I got a phone call from the NP and the clinic was closed and she asked if I could do my beta today. My hubby and I left our house at 6:30 this morning and we got about 30 minutes away when we learned today that the clinic was also closed. I paged the doc on call since I was out of estrogen and progestrone and he called them in and said that if my OB was willing to do my beta then to get it done today and when I get the results then page him again and let him know. I called my OB and he was willing to do my beta and they called with the results. My beta is 26. That means today I am officially pregnant. DH and I had to run to wal-mart to get my perscriptions that Dr. B called in. I got back to LR on Saturday. This has been the best week of my life that I have had in a long time. I am so thankful for the re-assuring words from Dr. B today. I am blessed to have an amazing medical team. Tonight my awesome hubby and I are just relaxing. Tonight I leave you with this quote from one of my favorite songs

"Life's a dance you learn as you go, sometimes you lead and sometimes you follow"

Saturday, December 22, 2012

1 week since Transfer

Today in about 15 minutes has been offically one week since my transfer. Wow this week has flown by. Monday and Tuesday I heard from the rock star nursing staff about my remaining embryo's. The news wasn't what we wanted to hear. We only have one embryo that made it to freeze stage.  But the hopeful news is that I am feeling a few symptoms and have been for a few days. I am normally one that is always on the go and the past few days I have been exhausted. I can't wait to see what my beta says on Wednesday. Tomarrow we start Christmas festivites and I can't wait to spend the day with my sister in law Lisa and her husband Mike and then the rest of the family. It will be a great day to be with family. All of the family that is going to be their tommarrow knows that for today and the next few days we are pregnant. Hope everyone has a great day.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

~ET Complete~

I am so excited to write this update that I can hardly stand it. This morning my babe and I left our house at 6:30 for the 3 hour trip to Dr. Dean's clinic. We transfered 2 embryo's. 1 was excellent and 1 was good. It looks like 2-3 will only possibly make it to freeze. I can't believe I am pregnant until proven other wise. Our beta is a week from Wednesday the day after Christmas. Dr Dean and I have already talked about what if this cycle doesn't take then their are some things we will do different. Today I begin 48 hours of bed rest. I had my babe go and pick up snack's and we are all settled in to our hotel room. Before the embryologist left the room he gave me the pretri dish were our beautiful babies were created. Here is a beautiful pictures of our 2 embryo's.

Friday, December 14, 2012

~Quality Report and Transfer date is in~

Wow, I didn't think that I would be saying this til Monday. I got the quality report this afternoon from my rock star nurse Lauren and 3 out of the 12 embryo's are growing 4 cells which they want. The rest are lacking behind some. At first Lauren told me that she didn't know when transfer would be and then about 45 minutes ago and after talking with Dr Dean he agreed that the best thing is to do it tomarrow due to us living 3+ hours away and a few other issues.
Tomarrow at 10am Dr Dean and the embryologist will select the 2 best emybro's to put back in to me. I am super excited, emotional, nervous and scared. I will be pregnant until proven other wise. Today I ran some errands and just got home and am resting for a bit and then I need to get more stuff done. I should know some time tommarrow when my pregnany test is but I am thinking it will be the 26th. What a great Christmas it might be.

Thursday, December 13, 2012


Hi every one, We got the fertilization report earlier today from pur rockstar nurse Lauren. 12 out of the 19 eggs that were retrieved yesterday are doing pretty good. Nurse Lauren said it looks like we are gonna do a 3 day transfer due to my hubby's low sperm counts and due to my estrogen dropping so quickly. I am still feeling pretty bloated and am still taking tynole. Tomarrow we will get a quality report. I also start progesterone tomarrow morning. My estrogen was 1,692 on Sunday and dropped to 862 by Monday.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

~update on ER day~

This morning is the day of ER. I am super excited, nervous and emotional. I can't believe the last month has flown by. We are leaving here in about 30 minutes. I will try and get out an update some time later depending on how I am feeling. Please pray for us and for our medical team that is doing our ER. Hope everyone has a wonderful and blessed day.

We just got home from our ER and we got a whole 19 eggs. I am feeling super bloated and exhuasted. The whole procedure took about 30 minutes. I did just take a pain pill and I need to take my prednisone soon and then I am hitting the sack. Tommarrow I will get a fertilization report. I am excited and nervous to hear how my embryo's are growing.

Monday, December 10, 2012

~It's Trigger Time~

This morning I had my last monitoring appt in LR with our amazing doc Dr. Dean and I asked him several questions and made sure that he is doing our retrival. I got the final instructions with final estrogen number and it dropped some. This whole cycle has been a mystery in what my body would do and how it would respond. I have 20 follies and most of them are pretty big ranging in size from 20-25mm. I am feeling bloated, nervous and emotional. I will do my final shot at 12:30 am. Our check in time is at 11:00am on Wednesday. We are planning to leave our house around 7:15 that way we can have a few moment's of breathing room. Tomarrow I will start an antibiotic as a procautionary. It looks like my embryo transfer will be either Saturday or Monday.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

~day 18~ IVF cycle

This morning my awesome hubby and I headed to LR for an early morning appt. We left our house at 4:30 and got home around 12ish. Boy we are both exhausted. I asked Dr Dean who is on call when he thought my Egg Retrival would be and he was thinking it could be on Thursday. We came home and ate some lunch and then I was working on Christmas cards when my phone rang from the clinic and so I answered it and it was Dr Dean with results and they are awesome results. This morning he thought that I wouldn't have to return til Tuesday to check them one last time. He told me when he called that I have an appt tommarrow at 11:00 and that he probably will give me final instuctions on when I am suppose to do my final injection tommarrow and stuff. Our dream is finally coming true of finishing this cycle strong. My estrogen was 731 on Friday and it is now close to 2,000. I am feeling bloated and tired. It looks like Wednesday will be my ER. Hope everyone has a great day and stays warm.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

questions I found that I like.

I found this on a board that I follow and thought it was pretty cool. I figured I would post it.Here's sort of a fun get to know me. I figured I would answer these questions on my blog so that you all get to know me a bit better. I know some of my friends from highschool read my blog so they might know a few of these answers.
I’m happiest whenI am with my amazing husband, my best friend and our families and friends.
The best place to be in the summer… at one of the local beaches or out on our boat at the lake or on the river. 
 I could spend the whole day snuggled up with my awesome hubby watching TV and then go out for an awesome dinner.

I always wanted to be a mom, and a nurse.
Favorite thing about my house… our back yard and sitting on the deck in the summer drinking coffee.
For inspiration I… I read other women's blog's that are going thru infertility and I scrapbook, and hang out with my best friend Donna.
It’s worth the splurge to spend money for our IVF cycle since we are out of pocket, or buy my husband awesome Christmas gifts.
Words I live by… Live, Laugh, Love. Good things come to those who wait.
Day I’d love to live again… our wedding day. It flew by in the blink of an eye. I remember having a smile on my face the whole day as I married my price charming.
Brings out the best in me… my awesome hubby, my friends, family, my amazing ladies friends that are going thru IF, the ladies on the boards I follow that are going thru IF are some of the strongest women I know.

tonight I am feeling pretty bloated as this follies get bigger and pretty emotional as I had a former friend ask me all kinds of questions about our road to infertility and asking us how much it is costing us. She did this all by texting. It kinda pissed me off. I told her that if she had any further comments and to tell me that I was wrong by choosing this decision then she can say good bye to our friendship. She was like why do you say that and I said if you were in our position then at such an emotional time you wouldn't be asking questions you would only be support us.


Friday, December 7, 2012

~IVF Day 15~

Today was another day in LR. One of my mom's good friends joined me which was nice. I had been hoping and praying for better news since Tuesday my estrogen was quite low. Our amazing doc is on call which means that he will be doing my Egg Retrival some time in the next few days. I have 16 eggs which is amazing and my estrogen on Tuesday was only 39.7 and now it is close to 800. Wow, what a difference a few days makes. If all goes well Dr Dean said that our egg retrival will be either Monday or Tuesday. I am starting to feel the largest follies as they are 21mm. My lining which I have had issues with in the past looks great. It's the little things that make me smile. I am blessed with an amazing husband and amazing friends. My next trip down to Little Rock will be Sunday. My appt is at 8am. Hope everyone has a great night!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

~Day 4 of stims~

Today has been officially one whole week since the last time I was in LR. I happened to have an early mornin appt and so one of my best friends and I headed their yesterday for some much needed girl time and christmas shopping with one of my best friends Donna. I only have a few more gifts left to buy. I went to the clinic this morning and had my blood drawn at 7:45. The tech tried to tell me that I might need to come back tommarrow after many discussions with my awesome hubby it was decided that if that were that case of having to go back tommarrow then we would stay the night. Donna and I did some shopping and then headed back to the clinic to see if they knew if I would need to come in tommarrow. The nurse's were all at lunch and so we waited for them to get back. The receptionist told me that our IVF nurse Debbie would let me know and that I was to go to her office. She immediately said that my E2 was low which ment that I would not have to go back tommarrow, woohoo. I talked to the hotel to cancel our room for tonight...... It feels awesome to be home. Then nurse Lauren who is awesome called me and said my E2 level was 39.7 they would like to see it at 100-150 at this point and so she told me to up the follistim to 375 and to come back on Friday for an ultrasound. If all goes planned our tentive egg retrival could be as early as Monday. I need to post a huge congrats to one of the ladies that just went thru IVF RRdiva as she found out yesterday she is pregnant. I also need to post Good Luck to an amazing cycle buddy and a friend as she has her ER on Thursday. I am praying for you ARS! Love you girls both.

Tonight I am hanging out with my amazing babe, he is truely my rock especially when things are hard in the IF world.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

~Day 1 of stims~

Today was day 1 of stimming and here are the 2 medicine's I am using. I am using Follistim 225 and Lupron to make sure that my ovaries stay suppressed so that I don't ovulate any follicles before my egg retrival that is tentively scheduled for a week from Monday. Wow, were has time gone. On Wednesday I started the lovely AF and I am hoping she goes away soon. On Monday I am heading to LR with one of my best friends and we are staying the night and then we are going to do some Christmas shopping. I can't wait to get away for a few days. I will update with blood results on Tuesday evening.